Tutoring Services for the NCMHCE or NCE

Step into the realm of knowledge and unlock your full potential with our exclusive tutoring services for the National Clinical Mental Health Counselors Exam and the National Counselors Exam. At The Good Neuron, we offer a unique collaboration between the worlds of academia and personal growth, providing you with the tools and guidance you need to excel in your exams.

Our tutoring sessions are designed to cater to your individual needs, ensuring a personalized and enriching learning experience. Led by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who has firsthand experience with the new form of the NCMHCE as a field tester, our sessions are tailored to address your weak areas, enhance your strengths, and create effective study plans.

Whether you prefer a one-on-one setting or thrive in a group dynamic, we have you covered. Our tutoring sessions are conducted over Zoom or Google Meet, allowing you to access our services from the comfort of your own space. Embrace the convenience and flexibility of online learning while receiving the highest quality of guidance and support.

Invest in your future and embark on a transformative journey with our tutoring services. Our pricing options are designed to accommodate your needs:

  • 1 hour - $75
  • 45 minutes - $60
  • 30 minutes - $50
  • Group tutoring (2+)- $45/per person, per hour 

Choose the duration that suits you best and embark on a path of growth and success. Our tutoring services are not just about passing exams; they are about empowering you to become a confident and knowledgeable mental health professional.

Unlock your potential and join The Good Neuron Tutoring Services today. Contact us at info@thegoodneuron.com to schedule your session and take the first step towards achieving your goals. 


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